Tips for intercultural couples #1
We easily assume that our loved one has similar thoughts, values, and perceptions. However, bear in mind your partner from a different culture has seen different status symbols and role models through fairy tales and movies. He/she has grown up with different smells and spices in the kitchen, and was raised with different rules regarding respect, privacy or punctuality.
A lot of tension in intercultural couples comes down to miscommunication. So, instead of assuming you know, stay open-minded and curious. Ask your partner directly: “what does this mean to you?”. Examples: 🌿What does it mean to you to get married? 🌿What does it mean to you to involve the extended family in the decision-making process? 🌿What does it mean to you to eat food prepared in this particular way? So, I invite you to keep wondering and learning about your partner.
My partner assume things most of the time when we conflict he starts saying what all assumptions he had recent times . it takes lot of time to discuss and end the conflict . We need some guidance about this .